Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is the Internet Safe???

Revealed: The Internet's Biggest Security Hole | Threat Level from

"We're not doing anything out of the ordinary," Kapela told "There's no vulnerabilities, no protocol errors, there are no software problems. The problem arises (from) the level of interconnectivity that's needed to maintain this mess, to keep it all working."

This is probably nothing new to internet 'geeks' or 'gurus'. However; it may raise an eyebrow or two in the intelligence community. I don't think for one moment that the intell world is surprised by this revelation. My question to the public is, "How do you think we keep tabs on our enemies?? You know like "dah"???? I don't think for a moment that this is anything new to the intelligence community. My thinking says that these two 'researchers' are revealing what's been known for quite some time. Only difference is the us regular folks are just now getting in on it.
That's MY SAY........

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Experience does matter!!

Hillary Clinton Delegate in Tears

Rush has nailed it again. This is worth noting. How many of you have seen this in the news.
Click the above link to see the CNN interview the drive-bys won't be showing anymore.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We weaken; they strengthen!! - Heritage Foundation: America’s Self-Weakening Security Syndrome - Opinion

Mr. Carafano has got it right!! I know about budget cuts in the military. I was in the Army in the 70' Viet Nam. It was no picnic. The "apathy" he speaks of was most definitely in effect. I can remember not having the parts necessary for my M-60 machine gun. Or, exchanging damaged uniforms for good servicable ones.
Mr. Carafano is making a point and rightly so...let's not make the same mistakes now that we made post-Viet Nam. Take it from one who was there.......we don't have to go there!!