Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Leftists Hating??? - Who Hates Sarah Palin? - Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld

Way to go G2. You're right, she's on the right side of everything; like he says "normal".

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Got the latest missles???

Russia may push forward with S-300 sales to Iran

Do you think Gog and Magog are gearing up for a confrontation or what? Here again, we see, in plain sight, that Putin and Ahnadinejad are preparing for something and it ain't a picnic.
Why is it when we see an arms build up all we do is talk??? All the while "they" continue to build. When will we ever learn????
That's MY SAY!!!!

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Monday, September 1, 2008

My Say..........: Is the Internet Safe???

My Say..........: Is the Internet Safe???